07 August 2009

...been awhile!

I started this blog a few months ago with the intent to keep posting, and one thing after another has come up :( So, I will fill you in on what's been happening. In a nutshell, my mother has been in and out of the hospital and rehab since Thanksgiving, and most recently over 4th July weekend. We have been doing home repairs to the roof and one section of the living room, which we are converting into a classroom. We are now into the school year with homeschooling (our school name is the AuBuchon School for the Incredibly Intelligent).

We did manage to go to the beach this summer, and had a blast with Catholic Engaged Encounter. I've also been doing some genealogy work for some clients, and now I am waiting for the several potential clients to send their payments so I can get started on their project.

All in all we have had a good summer, but I feel like I am being pulled in all sorts of directions. I love everybody in my family, and everything that I do, but my body is telling me to keep things simple. I SOOOOOO desperately need a day of scrapbooking. ;P

02 June 2009

Karate trials

Well, we started our trial of karate this week, and I think it is going to be great for the boys. DH used to take karate, and is all for it. We'll see how it goes. We have a one month free trial. Yay!

29 May 2009


I had a great night of scrapbooking. Met some wonderful homeschool moms, and actually got 4 pages done. WooHoo!

26 May 2009

Our roof delimna

We have had a problem with our roof for years, but haven't been able to get anyone to agree to do the job. The idiot who put the addition on our house, years before we bought it, put a flat roof on, among other stupid things, and now we are paying the price for his stupidity. The joint where the flat roof meets the sloped roof leaks all along the length of the house. Nearly everytime it rains, it leaks.

We had some estimates last year that was under $10,000, now we are getting them for $40-60,000. What gives?

I just want this project to be over with, but at a price we can afford.

25 May 2009

New pics

I posted some pictures of my boys, taken on our field trip in March 2009 at Alabama Constitution Village in Huntsville, AL.

I've also posted some pics of our dog and cat.

Lady, our dog, is a very shaggy dog. She had a haircut last week, more like a shave, and she looks much better. This picture is of her is what she looks like before she has had a haircut, although it is a few years old.

Kitty, our cat, named by Snickerdoodle, is also long-haired. She is about 3 yrs old, and very sweet. This picture was taken a couple of years ago.

24 May 2009

One good, one bad--bread, that is.

Well, I baked two loaves of wheat bread today. The first one was honey wheat & oat bread. I mixed the dough in the bread machine, then put it in a stone to bake. Came out great.

While the first one was baking, I made a whole wheat loaf in my bread machine. While it was baking, DH was using a nail gun in the next room, and, you guessed it, my bread fell. There is a huge sink hole in it. Not sure what I will do with it, but...

Oh, well. I guess I'll have to try again when he is not home. :o)

Our Field Trip

Friday we went to Falls Mill in Tennessee with about 40 of our homeschool friends. We had a great time. After lunch, DH and the boys played in the creek, despite the snakes. I couldn't stand the thought of the snakes, so I went shopping.

I loaded up on the fresh flour and corn meal that is ground at the mill. I enjoy baking our own bread (although I cheat a little and buy frozen dough), but I want to start making the bread from scratch. So, in comes the stone ground whole wheat flour, but I will probably make it easy and use my bread machine <:o) We'll see how it goes.

23 May 2009

About Me

As a 40 something year old SAHM, I have all kinds of excitement and frustrations, not to mention the general craziness of life with DH, 2DS, a dog, a cat, 2 birds, and my mother. All in one house. On top of all of this, my DC are homeschooled, and DS9 is on a special diet. Let's just say that our life has never been normal, but you know what? I like not being normal.

So, here is a little more about me. I love genealogy and scrapbooking. DH and I volunteer with a marriage prep ministry, plus I also help with several non-profit organizations.

I'm still new to this blog thing, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it. :o)